Solid and challenging Megaman game that lacks an interesting feature or design choice that prevents it from standing out among the pantheon of Megaman titles, official or otherwise.

The level design here is great, with Wizard Man’s stage being a standout for me, backed up by great, well-designed bossfights and fantastic boss weapons. The difficulty is very well-tuned and never feels unfair, though will push you to the limit on occasion, particularly in the 4th Wily Stage.

On the more disappointing side, the music didn’t really stick out, and the story is super uninteresting. The aesthetics are also on the simpler than some other fan games, with a lack of interesting theming during the 8 main stages.

It won’t blow you away but it’s not hard to recommend this one to any Megaman fans looking for a new entry in the classic series.

Reviewed on Jun 04, 2024
