I love time management games so this was totally up my alley. I thought this was really fun. The progression was good. It never got too overwhelming and the upgrades came in at the right times. The length of the game is decent as well - it ended at a good spot.

I thought this one was more fun than Episode 1. Maybe because I got used to the quirkiness of the characters so it didn't bother me anymore. However, I will say the puzzles are slightly harder in Episode 2. The ending was pretty good! I like how it wrapped it all up nicely.

This is a pretty fun point and click adventure game. The characters are a bit silly but it was still very enjoyable. The mini game wasn't hard either. Episode 1 ended on an open note so you'll need to play episode 2 to get to the true ending.

I'm amazed this game was completely free. Being my first otome game, I wasn't sure what to except but this blew me out of the water. The graphics were amazing. The background music wasn't distracting or out of place. I really loved the "curse" twist on the fairy tales I grew up reading. And finally, if not most importantly, the characters were all really great. The heroine had progressive steps to change that wasn't abrupt and off-putting and I felt myself growing to care of her more and more with each route I completed. I love how each route also included different stories (i.e. Rod's route got me to love Emelaigne and Karma's had me rooting for our favourite knights).

Overall I really enjoyed each route, but it's quite clear Waltz is meant to be canon. I played in the recommended order and I think that worked out great. Waltz should be last as his route tied up just about all of the loose ends of the other routes. Every single happy ending does come with its own fair share of tragedy or sadness though. The skip function was easy to use in order to get all of the bad endings and they were perfectly heartbreaking in each version. If I had to nitpick, I would have liked to have some voice acting.

I finished one play through pretty quickly and was surprised by how it ended. It just seemed weird how she flipped personalities and I didn't realise this game was going down the romance path as I'm a female and was talking to her as a friend the entire time until the weird questions about the kiss and getting drunk and hooking up came up (in hindsight I should have seen the signs earlier).

Overall, it made me super nostalgic as I loved using AIM in the good old days and have some fond memories of chatting with friends there but the forced romance left me feeling uncomfortable.

Oh wow, where to start. This was such a wholesome game. I think the developers did an amazing job especially given the fact that the base game is completely free. There's also a ton of customisation available for players of all backgrounds. I really felt like it was me and my life.

I didn't expect to love Cove and the entire supporting cast as much as I did. The romance was well done. It started off slow, but you saw how they grew from being childhood friends by circumstances to friends who cared to adults who love and support each other. Dating sims have a habit of highlighting unhealthy relationships so I'm glad that their relationship clearly goes both ways. The game also didn't shy away from family and friendships. In particular, I really liked Mr. Holden's growth in the game.

My only particular gripe is that, for me, there isn't a lot of replayability. I made my choices as me and even if I were to do it again, I think I'd continue to make similar ones. Other than that, super enjoyable, highly recommended.

I have Stardew Valley on PC, iOS and Switch. I paid for all three separately. That alone should speak to how much I love this game.

Since I've previously only played on the iOS and Switch versions, I've never used mods before. Let me tell you - they are life-changing. My farm has never looked more beautiful.

The game is fun, the community is great, and there's a ton of replayability. Whether you go for min/max and organize the heck out of your day or just simply throw caution to the wind and enjoy your life doing only one thing at a time, it's all up to you. There's never any real pressure or deadlines - unless you want them yourself. It's a game you can pick up and drop whenever you want and if you get tired or want something new, you can start all over and I appreciate that.

This is the first game of this kind that I played and I enjoyed it. I thought the story that was told was really interesting (the twins trying to find the truth as to what drove their mom to do what she did) and I was excited to progress and find out more. The controls sort of suck - I had to manipulate the camera angle a lot to try to get the items but that's only a minor convenience. It's also difficult to find things so I cheated and found a guide. It didn't decrease my enjoyment of the game though - just made things less frustrating overall.

I thought this was a great game and luckily got to play the entire thing for free this month due to a promotion for Pride Month. I'm technically not part of the LGBT community but I thought it was tastefully done and not forced in my face like some other reviewers have said.

For a free game, the graphics are amazing and to be quite honest, the controls are actually better than the other game from this developer I've played (Tell Me Why). Story wise, there's not much although there's quite a lot of things you can interact with to extend gameplay. I must admit, without a guide I probably wouldn't be able to complete the list of accomplishments that quickly. The ending was really sad considering his dad blamed him for him mom's death when it really wasn't his fault at all. Glad the poor kid didn't die.

A short game, but overall very enjoyable. I especially enjoyed the "freedom" ending that came with opening Pandora's box. In fact, I was on the fence about this game until I got to that part of the story. I was surprised by how everything wove together so well and in a way that I didn't except at all.

Lucius is such a lovely person, it's quite distressing to learn about his past and his mother. Ophelia wasn't a character I expected to like at first - but oh my, I wouldn't mind a spin-off about her at all. The voice acting was also fine - not distracting at all and the overall music was just creepy enough to fit the setting.

For a free game, this is pretty good! The art is pretty and the storylines for each individual love interest was well thought out in my opinion (although I felt the romance seemed rushed for Carmilla). The voice acting is alright but I turned it off about midway through since it was a little repetitive. It would have been better if it was fully done - though I do understand that's difficult for a free game so I won't hold it against the game. I do wish that we get a gallery option to view the cute mini-CGs and the final CGs without having to replay. The playthrough is quick enough and easy to get through if you use a guide.