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November 10, 2020

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I'm not sure if Dark Athena used the original UI and HUD of Butcher Bay or if when they ported Bay to PS3 if they updated it to match Dark Athena. Either way the fact that this game uses the same UI and HUD as the first game made it feel more like an expansion DLC or remaster instead of a true sequel and its own game.

However everything about this game is a step up from its predecessor. The graphics, stealth mechanics, shooting, level design, finish animations are all a notch above the previous installment which ultimately creates a more satisfying experience. Even Diesel's voice work in this sounds better. Basically every aspect of this game feels refined and a bit more polished.

However, this game needed some sort of added feature or mechanic. There was nothing new about the gameplay, it was all just done a bit better. It needed some sort of Arkham predator mode vision, or a weapon upgrade system or something. The fact it had no major new mechanic added to it feeling like more of an expansion DLC with upgraded graphics rather than a true sequel. I suppose this did have a multiplayer component that I was not able to play since it's 2020, more than decade since the initial release, and I have no doubt that the servers are either offline or completely dead. The multiplayer was probably the new big feature of this game they were touting but since I'm not able to review that I'm strictly speaking about the single player campaign. It just needed something new.

This was still a blast and a breeze. The only element that seemed to take a back seat this time around was the RPG side quest element. Which is forgivable because everything else was done so well. There were two segments that particularly stuck out as being incredible and that was the spot light elevator segment with the platforming element and the gravity well bit. The physics in this game again is next level and so satisfying to play around with.

The stealth was a lot more satisfying this time around too. I'm not sure if I missed it in Butcher Bay, but I discovered you can shoot out the lights in this game creating more darkness and more stealth opportunities. I felt it was easier to stay in the shadows this time and have a little more freedom of how I approached certain segments. The level design is partly to thank for the upgraded stealth too as it naturally had more shadows at times. The AI felt a little more forgiving this time around. But ultimately it felt like there were segments that made it near impossible to go stealth and it felt like the game forced you to blast your way through the levels with shotgun and assault rifle in tow. When those moments happen it makes the whole stealth aspect and Riddick's strongest characteristic feel like a moot point.

I find it interesting that they released a Riddick game in 2009, 5 years after the last movie which bombed hard. Were people really clamoring for more Riddick action in 2009? Regardless I would really like to see a sequel to this franchise on PS5. Maybe if the 4th movie ever comes out interest in this franchise and intellectual property will spike. I'd like to see upgrades to your character and weapons via a skill tree. I'd like to see a little more RPG elements and a tad more satisfying stealth experience.

O also this game gets bonus points for actually being able to dual wield the bladed weapons on the cover of the game. Butcher Bay failed to deliver on that promise.