At face value, probably the coolest story pitch ever conceived, even if it's basically just modern day Shrek. The game as a whole, very frustrating. Not because it's difficult, but there's so much great elements mixed in with just enough bad the lack of further polish is really annoying.

- Amazing, timeless art direction is occasionally ruined by wonky looking animations.
- Tight and engaging pacing is consistently interrupted almost every episode by a long drawn-out action sequence, which is also most times ruined by awkward animation. The car chase in the final episode is the worst example of this, since it's also distractingly ignorant of a major plot point they emphasize repeatedly throughout.
- Lovely, atmospheric soundtrack accompanied by straight up unfinished sound mixing at points
- A concept for a fictional universe so cool with plotholes so large and conveniences so convenient
- Dialogue trees are fine, QTEs are bearable (if a bit excessive), but please don't require walking around clicking on things when half the things don't even elicit a response from the character we're playing as

But still, a fun, engrossing neo-noir and Telltale's peak. Episode 5 (excluding the aforementioned car chase) is probably the best individual episode they've ever produced. Great, believable voice cast, aside from the occasional odd delivery of dialogue which for the most part was compelling. Takes itself mostly seriously, but is self-aware enough to be low-key hilarious the handful of times it tries to be.

"This is a dance club! What the bloody hell am I going to do tonight while the girls are on stage? Harmonica? Kazoo? Whistle a happy tune? Fuckin' unbelievable!"

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2023


8 months ago

"since it's also distractingly ignorant of a major plot point they emphasize repeatedly throughout" what was this referring to?

8 months ago

@HaloBlues They make a big deal out of glamour and how its really important to keep disguised from mundies but that scene just had Bigby running through a bustling street jumping from car roof to car roof in his werewolf form, while never acknowledging if any mundies saw him when there definitely should be plenty of witnesses. It bothered me but overall didnt detract too much

8 months ago

@rebarnd oh yeah LMFAO i forgot about that, that threw me off while i was playing too. at the time i think i expected it to be mentioned later in the episode but then got distracted by everything else going on and didn't realise it wasn't