SteamWorld Dig 2 is a good expansion on the first game. It takes the somewhat repetitive gameplay of the original and expands it with some new environments, more puzzle-based and interesting level design, and a more interesting narrative.

Like every Image & Form Games production, this game looks great and plays well. They know what their style is and nail it really well.

Gameplay in SteamWorld 2 can get a bit repetitive, but is pretty fun throughout. I ended up not pursuing many of the extra puzzles in the game and it goes on just a bit longer than I would have wanted, but I still enjoyed it all the way through.
There are a lot of satisfying upgrades and mining rare materials to fund your advancement feels good and rewarding.

The story in SteamWorld 2 takes off from the first one and is really just an excuse to talk to some wacky characters and explore a complex of underground tunnels. It has some twists that are fun and though it isn't extremely original, it also isn't boring.

SteamWorld Dig 2 is a fun exploration platformer with some good upgrade and traversal mechanics. I had a good time with this game.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2022
