been raiding some tombs recently. shes quite often over looked, our lara. im guilty of it myself. no more. shes got that croft in her. classic games still hold up well enough but the collection was a bit rubbish.
anyway this is a 2013-ass video game. hard to believe it was the same year as the last of us. wish current aaa took more from this than that. anyway second reboot is a banger so looking forward to that. night night.

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2024


3 days ago

I'm a big fan of Tomb Raider Anniversary, a very good midpoint between early Tomb Raider and new, before it got a bit weird in the middle there.

3 days ago

yes!! i hadn't played Anniversary before and it was a treat! funny how it was at a time before remakes became such a common thing so I didn't actually know what it was. lovely