A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that comes true at least in part as a result of a person's belief or expectation that said prediction would come true.

This game is a captivating, wonderfully written story. It has something to tell about fate, about ethics, about friendship, about identity, about politics (because, whether you like it or not, everything is politics). And it does it through conversations. A tea and a chat with an old friend. Or with a new acquaintance. Through their struggles and their successes. Their hopes and their fears. Every character is unique, is relatable. Every line of dialog is delightful and real.

And on top of that, Fortuna's ability to see the future. To read and create her own cards. At first, you start building a deck, wanting to make the right prediction. Then the game subverts that in a subtle way, but that changes how you approach the readings completely. And so, the cards become another way to interact with the narrative, making every decision count.

This game makes you reflect on your own political ideas and your values. How do you want the world to be if you had the chance to shape it. And, for me, it's about writing your own future rather than hoping for the designs of destiny. Like making a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This is going to be my favorite indie game of the year by far.

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2023
