as a long time f-zero fan who can snake in gx with my eyes closed, i understand the frustration. i do. this is a big leap from what f-zero fans expect - but it's still fun, ya dingles.

f-zero 99 is a game of constant decision making - your health is your boost. is it worth trying to boost to the finish line with barely any energy left? what if you get hit and explode at the finish line? should you stall near the rear of the course, where you are more likely to get the yellow orbs that let you ascend to the faster, alternative track, despite the constant threat of being knocked out for not placing high enough? (this threat is more real during the cups, not the individual races, as the cutoff can be as harsh as top 20). even without the energy consumption to consider, when you near the front, boosting itself is a tough choice - you never know when the ai-controlled exploding cars may swerve in your direction.

it's certainly a jarring difference from the mainline fzero games, which are almost entirely pure execution. there's still some skill here - learning to corner effectively, learning the best time to pop your super (using it at the correct time will allow you to stay on the higher track longer, as it can't drop you back on the track if the higher track takes a shortcut and is not directly over it) - but it's a lot more about reacting to the constantly changing flow of the race.

as of review, i have played every track available and won multiple races, and i have a pretty good idea of the mechanics. it's quick, intense, and just an adrenaline rush. give it a go even if you are a grumpy gx speedrunner.

Reviewed on Sep 17, 2023
