while i found that yakuza kiwami 2 was able to overcome the feeling of being a repainted ps2 game like kiwami 1 was not - it comes at the cost of a lot of charm, and the introduction of more new stuff than i'd deem necessary. it is unclear to me why this game changes so much. i thought the story was a serious highlight with a massive improvement on yakuza 1 - but other than that? i really don't think that this game has that weird "Secret Sauce." if anything, it feels like the complete opposite of kiwami 1! they changed so much, that the game now feels stiff and sterile despite, on the face of it, doing a lot of things right.

i didn't hate this, and i enjoyed it overall - but the combat, the strange changes to an otherwise great story, the reintroduction of cabaret exclusive substories (the bane of my existence) and just the lackluster optimisation for PC users all come together to make a remaster that achieves the complete opposite of kiwami 1's inexplicable charm.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024

1 Comment

5 months ago

haven't gotten around to finishing K2 yet but the removal of the additional shopping district, even if it is a much more minor location, will always be strange to me alongside takashima (who is deliberately supposed to be young as the omi alliance coup was by that of the younger generation) suddenly looking an extra 40 fucking years older lmao

would highly suggest you play the PS2 game if you haven't too, it has some of the best combat in the whole series imo