i had a lot of fun with this game :)

preserved a lot of what i thought was great about xenoblade 3's gameplay and condensed into a shorter format that i thought really left an impact. everything felt quite busy and that it had a lot to dissect - from the combat to the story to the environment, there is a lot of stuff happening in not a lot of time

i liked that though, it was nice to feel like stuff was moving and that i was a part of a real world in-universe

the story was wonderful too, lots of very memorable moments of small dialogue that really tie together a project that could have cynically been called a fan-service addendum to xenoblade 3. instead, i think future redeemed is a genuine attempt to enrich the lore of xenoblade 3 and the franchise in general. which is pretty admirable.

i only had two major issues - the a ai kept using vision when i didnt want them to, and i think the difficulty isn't fine tuned. normal is too easy, and hard can be a little too ridiculous.

other than that, a great addition and bow-on-top of the magnificient xenoblade 3. loved it!

Reviewed on May 19, 2023
