Bleach ranked

playing every bleach game
update: i think im good on bleach games for now

Bleach: Soul Resurrección
Bleach: Soul Resurrección
While not offering too much mechanically in the combat there’s a pretty good variety in levels, enemies and player characters which make the game super fun. I played through the story mode on hard without grinding any levels and it was even a pretty decent challenge. This game has a banger opening (that spoils the entire arrancars saga) and some pretty good music overall actually. Graphics are not insane but aged pretty well and capture the art style well.


Bleach: Soul Carnival
Bleach: Soul Carnival
A very fun and addicting mesh of genres. Lots of systems to play around with, it feels great to do big combos, there are so many playable characters available... the list goes on. There's also a lot of content to go through if you want to go the extra mile, I got around 70 of the 81 character soul thingies. The crafting is pretty straight forward and it feels rewarding to make yourself strong and completely trash bosses. Looking forward to the sequel.


Bleach: Dark Souls
Bleach: Dark Souls
Actually a fantastic anime fighting game with more than functional online. The additions and improvements to the roster from its predecessor are very impactful. Story mode has more variety than its predecessor but also contains some of the most horseshit fighting game bosses I’ve ever seen. It’s also required to replay portions of it for additional endings and fights. I wouldn’t really bother with this story mode, I appreciate the attempt at variety a lot when it comes to the more quirky levels like the quizzes and healing but the boss fights that are heavily skewed against you for the sake of it just aren’t fun. There’s a special place in hell for whoever designed the Komamura vs Grand Fisher mission.


Bleach: The Blade of Fate
Bleach: The Blade of Fate
Genuinely a really good fighting game. The story mode is repetitive but it's an okay excuse for you to try all the characters. Graphics and sound are great. This game is mostly made obsolete by its updated version, Dark Souls. I prefer this games approach to the story mode.


Bleach: The 3rd Phantom
Bleach: The 3rd Phantom
A cool original story in an alternate universe. Lots of character interactions with characters you wouldn't normally see showcased much in the main series. All that is really this games biggest strength, it's awesome to see the world and characters of bleach from a different point of view. Despite Ichigo still being prominent on the cover he's entirely a side character in this game and a terrible unit too. It's really fun to build relationships with your favorite characters and create your dream team of bleach characters for the battles. The gameplay itself has the huge glaring issue of the animations being super long, if you can get past that then it's a pretty unique SRPG all things considered. Only a couple of the stages I felt were too long, they're mostly short and to the point which is the mark of a good SRPG.


Bleach: Heat the Soul 3
Bleach: Heat the Soul 3
More polish and content than heat the soul 2.


Bleach: Heat the Soul 2
Bleach: Heat the Soul 2
Heat the soul with updated mechanics, more characters, more modes (that aren't particularly good but hey) and really aesthetic menus with crazy good music. Weird thing to compliment but it stood out to me.


Bleach Heat the Soul
Bleach Heat the Soul
Pretty great mechanically, you can do a lot of fun stuff. Only 5 playable characters is a bummer though. Game also looks and sounds surprisingly good. The sequels seem to make this completely obsolete but this games still fun.


Bleach: Blade Battlers
Bleach: Blade Battlers
Solid 4-player arena fighter that plays it pretty straight, you can do some cool air and wall combos if you try hard enough, especially with friends. Story mode features some beat em up levels and is very short, telling an original story rather than an adaptation. Surprisingly polished for what it is and the roster is not bad.


Bleach DS 4th: Flame Bringer
Bleach DS 4th: Flame Bringer
Pretty much a primitive version of Soul Carnival on the DS. Way too many stages that are way too similar. Way too much forcing you to play as certain characters (too much Uryu specifically). Still a solid game that’s better if you don’t binge it. Most of the characters are pretty fun. Core gameplay is pretty fun but not much you can do with it, especially felt this due to Soul Carnival allowing for lots of creativity with combos. I preferred when levels were platforming centric rather than combat centric, which didn’t happen very often and was mostly towards the end. The game could definitely do with more gimmick levels instead of a slew of Beth similar levels where you just continue on a straight forward path and get stopped to kill a horde of enemies. Some of the bosses are cool like Kenpachi and the final boss but they’re pretty easy to figure out, most others you can mash to victory. If I could read the plot and all the banter I would probably rate this higher, it seemed to be pretty cool like 3rd Phantom's way of handling of story/characters.


Bleach: Erabareshi Tamashi
Bleach: Erabareshi Tamashi
It's not easy to call this game good but I thought it was mostly pretty fun and it's very short. There isn't a story at all, just fighting lots of basic enemies and sometimes bosses that could be a large hollow or a human character. The issues I had with this game were that almost every character in the base roster is horrendous, the game is much better if you stick to Ichigo and the unlockables. It's really that much of a difference depending on who you pick. The other issue I had was the game is too easy. While it did show some promise in providing a decent and fair challenge with a couple of the boss battles the game never went there beyond those few instances.There's also very little stage variety. The game does have different stages and objectives but rarely uses them. It also takes too long to start unlocking characters which is based on a point system. I only really started getting unlocks about halfway in and was still missing a chunk of the roster by the time I finished while getting mostly S ranks.


Bleach: Brave Souls
Bleach: Brave Souls
The art and new designs are the best things about it, it's pretty well made and generous for a mobile game though. Not the worst way to waste some time. I like playing this on and off.


Bleach: Immortal Soul
Bleach: Immortal Soul
Genuinely feels like you're playing malware to a point where it's hard to believe this is licensed. The art is good and the gameplay is pretty serviceable, not a bad way to waste some time but not much beyond that. Story presentation is funny.


Bleach Advance: Kurenai ni Somaru Soul Society
Bleach Advance: Kurenai ni Somaru Soul Society
I didn't totally hate this but there's nothing really worth it here. The story presentation is pretty solid for the GBA but I don't know why you would try to experience soul society on the GBA, let alone through having to play this game. The attacks and voices during combat are kinda cool. I don't know if I was missing something, I'm pretty sure there was a tutorial at the start but I can't read Japanese. It was easy to figure out the rock paper scissors type combat system and how to do a lot of damage but the movement made absolutely no sense, especially when the story made me play as Ganju and I was unable to start an attack sequence 90% of the time. This game is really weird and short so I don't regret playing through it but it ain't good.


Bleach: Hanatareshi Yabou
Bleach: Hanatareshi Yabou
Horribly slow and boring, doesn't feel rewarding to do anything. Some of the animations for the specials are cool and Orihime has some insane jiggle physics. Couldn't figure out where to go about 6 hours in and figured it was a sign to stop playing.


Bleach Mobile 3D
Bleach Mobile 3D
Pretty much the lowest effort you can get with a mobile game's gameplay alongside a malware tier interface that puts immortal soul to shame! It’s only getting a full star for not being an auto battler.



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