Detention is a psychological thriller, point-and-click game, taking place amidst the political tension which characterised 1950s Taiwan. You’ll play as Fang Ray-xin, a student trapped in her high school and forced to unravel the trauma experienced in her adolescent years. Overall, I found the narrative to be immensely gripping and intelligent from start to finish, and there are enough twists and turns to keep you hooked. The gameplay itself isn’t going to revolutionise the genre by any means, and is in fact quite simplistic, but given the game’s short runtime this isn’t a major issue. The game’s scenery is beautifully brought to life through hand-drawn illustrations which are consistently captivating. Horror fans going in for a good scare will be disappointed - the game is more so creepy and disturbing than outright bone-chilling. However, the atmosphere conjured by Red Candle Games will surely stay with you for a long time after you’ve seen the credits. Detention is an engaging little point-and-click game, that despite its shallow gameplay, possesses a story well worth experiencing.

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2022
