I've had almost no contact with the N64 library other than staring at Brawl's Masterpieces page (couldn't play,had no classic controller) or remakes and yeah yeah many revolutionary games were made for it but it's just not that interesting IMO. Maybe to a lesser extent than the GameCube, it's also one of the current contentfarm nostalgiabait gens so my contrarian brain rejects any notion that the 15 or so titles people always mention somehow top the gazillion good games on Playstation. This is to say, you'd think that in a library so small, all the good shit would have been dissected to fuck and back but umm..nobody talks about this one and it should defo be included in that list! It's not a particularly "hidden" game either, being published by Nintendo and available on japanese NSO but by virtue of-

A) no official localization (very good fan one though)
B) the Gamecube game got renamed into this exact same title
C) being an RPG (?) in a system that has like 2 games most would say could be considered an RPG

-it got lost in the shuffle which is great because you're automatically cooler for playing it (I'm unemployed).

It's only kind of an RPG? Sure,there's a simple tournament-arc esque kid's anime story where you go around a cute pre-rendered small town, talk and battle NPCs, but there's no optional fights whatsoever nor "extra" parts to collect. The actual battles are moreso miniature Virtual-On. You do a bit of customizing in terms of how you'd like your robot to handle, what type of gun and bombs it uses. There's barely any "numbers" on any of the parts so in theory, no set in stone viability but you'll also want to adapt your build depending on what arena you're on. Speaking of, they're certified smoke spots and really make use of the robots themselves likely being HG 1/144 Gunpla sized.

The Medabots comparison is obvious but playing this also reminded me a lot of ARMS. I'm not really a sequel preacher but a new Custom Robo would fit right alongside it! I'm excited to see how the 4 other games in the series expand upon the formula, but the next 2 aren't actually translated so uh. Hoping the story keeps being simple.

Reviewed on Jun 09, 2024
