A unique, free game. It is very much an in-development game and I'm not sure if it was a game jam or something else, but the gist is you clean up a person's home after they died so the family doesn't have too and as you go through this person's belongings you learn about their life and what may have led to their untimely demise. At the end of the game, you provide the family with three pieces of their life with different endings depending on what you decide to give them.

This idea for this game is great. With a bit more development, polish, and story design this could be a huge hit. As it stands right now, I'm glad the game is free. It isn't finished and you can see weird names for things. Additionally, it is somewhat hard to figure out what you are supposed to do throughout the game.

As it stands, I wouldn't recommend playing this game. It is a cute distraction for about 20-30 minutes and then its just...over. However, I really hope the developers keep working at this one. It has the potential of a sleeper hit, it just needs more dev time.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
