That was very good. Very, very good. I am genuinely surprised by how good it turned out to be (I shouldn't be, it's lauded for a reason), but still. In watching previous playthroughs I never really got any of the story, so I didn't really know what the game was all about - still, I played it on recommendation alone and I am so glad I did.

In Dredge, you are a fisherman in a world that gets weird at night...something is wrong and if you don't get enough sleep or stay out too late or too far, bad things start happening. I don't want to say more than that, the story really comes together at the end of the game and everything leading up to it was a lot of fun.

I loved all the people you meet throughout the game, they are well fleshed out and bring the world to life. The gameplay never got boring, if anything it drove me to keep going. Fishing was fun, upgrading the ship was fun, exploring each new section was interesting and engaging and different enough to keep it interesting.

And the ending is spectacular. I'm not sure what I expected, but I wasn't expecting that. And yet, it fits so well and does such an amazing job of contextualizing the game. There are so many small moments hinting at this bigger reality, but the game hides it all in plain sight, which I appreciate.

Anyway, I recommend this game (if you couldn't tell). Definitely worth your time and attention if you're in to story based games with spectacular endings and interesting gameplay that doesn't get old.

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2024
