I liked this game in the beginning, it seemed to be very promising, but later, it became clear to me that this game wasn't ending anytime soon.
Don't get me wrong, big games are great, but this one just seemed like it was dragging on for way too long, and every time I found myself being interested in the main story of the game, which is by far it's strongest part, it would force me to do a few more arcs before I could advance the story, which was complete and utter bullshit.
I felt nothing, but relief when I finally finished the main story, because that meant I could put this game away once and for all and mark it as complete.
Though I didn't get the Templar Ending or the Puzzle Ending, or the Conquering England Ending, I felt as if getting the main ending was good enough.
And if Ubisoft doesn't start making Assassin's Creed games like they used to, which is very unlikely, this will more than likely be my last AC game.

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2022
