I did rather enjoy finally getting around to finishing this game, even if some of the last few bosses made me lose it, but that's the norm for these games, right?
However, I will say, the formula has definitely improved a lot in the future titles, like actually being able to fast travel between all of the bonfires from the very beginning in 2 and 3, insted of having to unlock it later on and only being able to travel between specific bonfires, that's kinda frustrating, but they did balance it out a bit by allowing you to level up at bonfires and buy tools to be able to reinforce and repair your weapons and armor at bonfires.
And the bosses are also quite amazing like Gwyn, Artorias, and Sif to name a few, but then there's bosses like the Bed of Chaos, seriously fuck that boss, it's not even hard, but she can just swipe you into a hole and you have to run all the way back to her, it's incredibly annoying.
Finished this game as a pyromancer, and shit, Pyromancy was very OP in this game, huh?
All in all, a pretty good game, I still prefer Dark Souls 3 overall, but I did like seeing all of the stuff that they brought back from this game into Dark Souls 3, that was nice.
Now I just need to finish Demon's Souls and I will have completed every FromSoft title.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2023
