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Writing really irked me this time around. So many conversations are spent talking in circles and characters always talk about how they're feeling but they never really show it. (There are a few clever moments building up Sugiura's relationship to Emi Terasawa but that's all I remember.) Kamurocho also isn't very engrossing. The side-content ranges from boring to bad, some aspects don't even fit Yagami (Friends system). Pacing is awful, lots of Cutscene->Rest at Yagami Detective Agency->Cutscene->Rest at Yagami Detective Agency->Fight->Rest at Yagami Detective Agency, feels so much slower coming off of Kiwami 2 which has 3 more chapters. Didn't enjoy the replay which disappoints me because this used to be my favorite game in the series.

Reviewed on Mar 13, 2024
