I enjoyed this a lot more than both Until Dawn and Man of Medan, but it's still not great. I hope Supermassive decides to have a balance between the anthology titles and the longer form, self contained, stories. I love the camp in this, and The Quarry is, so far, the only one of their games where I actually like some of the characters and wanted to keep them alive. I played this with a couple of friends and that definitely made my experience better too. The one thing that I think is missing is the double twist thing like what Until Dawn did, and I think they revealed the monster too early, but it's whatever. I do also want to say that I think the way the bite works as a mechanic to keep all the characters alive is really interesting and adds a good amount of tension to the story. Also, it makes you feel smart for using the enemy to your advantage.

Reviewed on Nov 06, 2023
