Team Sonic Racing was a pleasant surprise. I was looking through my library of games and downloaded this on the whim because of how bright and colorful of a game it seemed like. I wasn't wrong, from the moment I raced on the first track I knew that Sega had put some effort into their beloved mascot's kart racer - it's brimming with character. This isn't a game to have your volume down for because it succeeds in providing another renowned and catchy soundtrack. It's important to note this because the difficulty of the game will have you replaying levels over and over again until you master every circuit and mechanic there is to this game. There is an incredible emphasis on "team" work and you'll be constantly reminded of this while playing the game - whether it's through story dialogue or in game tips. If you're playing alone, good luck because the AI can be duds at times but even if you choose to opt for solo play - once the mechanics of team racing click, it feels really rewarding. I completed this solo, but I totally believe the game shines best when you are playing with one or two friends. You can assist one another if someone falls behind by skimming past them and providing them with a boost to catch them up to speed, or if you happen to be first place, you will be able to pass on items (a la Mario Kart) to teammates so they can put better use to it. All of this is important because it contributes to an Ultimate Meter. Think of it as Sonic going Super Sonic, but the whole team participates. You'll get a massive speed boost and invincibility that can help you get to first or create an even bigger lead for yourself. If you and your team use it simultaneously, this boost will last a bit longer! Like I said, when the mechanics click, the game becomes one of the most enjoyable and rewarding kart racers to exist on modern platforms. Unfortunately there I have some minor grips towards Team Sonic Racing. There is a campaign mode that has you racing through 7 chapters. Each race has a story sequence that plays through text box cutscenes. Honestly, you can skip it all - I don't think anyone is playing a kart racer for story. It's like Crash Team Racing's story but not as cool. Nonetheless, the story mode throughs in a couple alternate modes such as Daredevil where you need to maneuver thru goalposts to get points, or Destruction where you need to destroy targets and get a certain amount of points under a time limit. These are fun to play to break the monotony of racing, but if you are playing this game to earn a platinum trophy, they can be incredibly unfair and oddly difficult (more than the races themselves). I highly discourage anybody to play this game to 100% completion. You'll have to complete the story mode on hard, complete all optional objectives, and then finish the story mode on expert. Having to do this twice is just tedious, and the alternative race modes are bafflingly difficult and frustrating. Nonetheless, if you're looking for a challenge, this game will provide it to you and I will commend it for that. If you're looking for a kart racer that mixes things up, I highly recommend this game. There is a time trial and an online mode to race against other players, but lobbies aren't populated. I would give this game a 6/10 - above average.

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2023
