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Played through about the first half of this with a couple of friends. Normally I don't get much mileage out of physics jank games like Goat Simulator or its many clones, but I did find this one very funny... I don't know what exactly made this one work for me, but you can end up finding absolutely ridiculous solutions to puzzles and I guess the sheer absurdity of it all gets to me.

But as a game, I'm less sold on HFF. The first few levels had fairly obvious solutions that were just difficult to implement, and it was fun to either do what the game wants you to do or find your own way to break it. But it quickly ramps up to a level where it becomes very unclear how to proceed. On paper this is fine, it is nominally a puzzle game after all, but it really doesn't gel well with the 'pissing about with friends' ethos that is the game at its best.