A very short but very intense experience. Tonally it was pretty good, keeping up an incredibly oppressive feeling of dread throughout its runtime. The use of space is pretty good too; constantly going past the same locked doors over and over somehow makes them more forboding each time you pass.

But the gameplay is actually just bad, I think. It's crazy basic, as is part-and-parcel for most of this subgenre, but the need to find 'passwords' for each room is just irritating; also either I missed something, or working out password 3 requires some hefty moon logic (I had to look it up). This really did dampen the experience unfortunately.

As a general rule I quite like this super lo-fi art style for indie horror games, but at a few points in this one it was so bare bones that I didn't know what I was looking at (and not in a 'oh god what's that over there?' way, more of a 'why is this grey cube buzzing now? is it a generator or a woodchipper?' way).

Not all bad though; after all, its free. It's definitely made me interested in trying out this Dev's other games.

Reviewed on May 25, 2023
