Endlessly charming with a distinctive art style, amusing characters and a fun premise and setting, but I really don't feel like the 'video game' elements of Later Alligator do it many favours. From my understanding this was a collaboration between a small dev team and a small animation studio, and it really doesn't feel like the work each group did on this project ended up merging together in a cohesive way.

At its best, the minigames in Later Alligator are fun parodies or subversions of gaming tropes; card shuffling guy was pretty funny and I very much enjoyed the game playing with its art style for the dating practice level. But at its worst, the minigames can be poorly explained (I had no clue what I was doing on the baby monitor game first time round...) or just frustrating/boring; I really didn't appreciate having to play a set of spot the difference puzzles, nor did I enjoy those godforsaken sliding block puzzles that everyone in the universe agrees are a bad time.

But the game did get more than a few out loud laughs out of me, which is a lot more than most games manage. The game was oozing with the kind of whimsical jolly and silly aesthetic that normally turns me right off a game, but aesthetically Later Alligator has been done so well that I ended up enjoying that side of things.

So yeah, your experience with this will depend on what you want out of it. If you want to take part a genuinely well-realised fun and silly adventure with gorgeous visual design, then this delivers in droves, but as for a /video game/... its a swing and a miss for me I'm afraid, but not one I regret playing.

Reviewed on Aug 13, 2023
