And here we have one of the greatest trilogies you could ask for.

I'll just get it out there: I'm not a reading guy. I think I've read like, 2 books in my entire life at most. Sure, I love JRPGs but often times I'm interested in their combat systems just as much if not more than their stories. That's just monkey brain for you; if I go too long without bonking something over the head, my mind starts to trail off.

With that in mind, a series like Ace Attorney would naturally be a gigantic miss for my tastes, as would any other visual novel. But there's SOMETHING about the secret sauce here, something about how everything comes together that makes it my favorite little text adventure/VN series, and probably the only one I'll ever give a shit about. And thank God I decided to make THIS the one to go for!

In my Justice for All review, I mentioned that Franziska von Karma is responsible for helping me have a wife and a job irl. Won't repeat myself too much here, you can check that review out if you're curious. But can you imagine if I decided to ignore Ace Attorney because of my unga bunga brain bias? I'd be living in the streets AND single!

It wasn't all smooth sailing though. The third game was a gigantic hurdle to go through. Cases 3-2 and 3-3 were consistently putting me to sleep, making me drop the game and forget about the series for a year. Then I'd pick it back up, play through 1 and 2 while thinking "man I LOVE these games. Why didn't I play through the rest of them yet?", finally arriving at 3 and having a BLAST with the first case, until it was time for the brick walls of 3-2 and 3-3 to show up again. Back to shelving the series.

But not this year. AA Trilogy went on sale. "Oh it's on now."
Played all three games back to back, and I'm SO happy I decided to press on after 3-3. Trials and Tribulations, shitty cases aside, is SUCH a good game and I'm a damn fool for not sticking with it earlier. Although... The next HD trilogy will be releasing in a couple of months, so maybe I picked the best time to fully dedicate myself to the series. To play all 6 mainline games in full HD glory... What a day and age we live in.

The port is pretty damn good too. Wide-screen, every asset(with the exception of some stuff in 1-5 specifically) was beautifully remastered, QoL additions and even achievements leading me to find little interactions and Easter eggs I never noticed before.

A decisive trilogy... A decisive port... What else could possibly be required?

Ah, err... Nothing, of course. That should be fine.

Reviewed on Nov 13, 2023
