PLEASE port this to PC already, SEGA, I'm begging you here. Playing this through an emulator was not ideal.

That said... HD Unleashed stands as the best looking Sonic game to this day. A combination of VERY strong art direction and a setup that allows for a world that perfectly fits Sonic, this is easily my favorite setting in the series.

I won't go over the game itself all too much since I talked about it a lot on my review of the Wii version. This one's just as good, but it has some snags. Medal collecting is a big pace breaker for the daytime stages, they should've reserved them for hub worlds and Werehog stages only. S Ranking stages can be a bit of a pain sometimes considering that dying completely zeroes your score, and Dark Gaia's first phase is not nearly as good as Sonic Punch-Out.

Daytime stages, Nighttime stages and the hub worlds were all vastly improved. You can actually walk around the continents you visit now! As someone who grew up with the SD version, this was so cool to see. I really wanted to go for 100% , but playing it through Xenia is still not as good as it could be. Missing models for collectibles, random crashing, and not playable at resolutions beyond 720p.(I mean, you can bump it up to 2k/4k, but you're just asking to crash every two steps that way)

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, SEGA. I know that the mid to late 00s was a very traumatizing period for you, but this game is the ONE home run you hit around that time. It deserves a modern port.

(Bonus shitpost:

Reviewed on May 24, 2024
