Possibly the best game in the series, 4U's only flaw used to be that it was stuck on the 3DS's tiny screen. Now that Citra can run it pretty well, 4 Ultimate is pretty much impeccable.

Featuring a simple yet entertaining story that rarely interrupts the series' traditional Quest - Craft - Quest again gameplay loop. Even when it does, CG cutscenes barely last more than a minute.
It also has a very large roster, perfectly balancing older monsters with newcomers. Said newcomers also have some of best designs out of all the games.

4U is the perfection of the classic Monster Hunter formula. It's no wonder that after it, the series would see major changes with World and Rise (after one last hurrah with Generations/GenUltimate).

If you want to give classic MH a shot, PLEASE play this game. (As of 2022) Online multiplayer is still officially available through the 3DS, and even when the Capcom servers shut down, it's pretty easy to link up two Citra emulators.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2022
