Playing Tenchu earlier this month got me in the mood to revisit Ninja Gaiden. Picked it up on the Switch's NES app, and hoo boy.

The music is amazing, and I LOVE the cutscenes. I didn't remember the story very well, so it was a nice surprise to watch it unfold all over again. The controls are super tight as well, which feels real good once you master it.

... But that enemy placement man, god damn. From Stage 5 onwards, there are times where you'll be bombarded with birds, machinegun dudes, flying ninjas and hairless ape guys all in one go. Since Ryu can only slash in front of him, these sections are BRUTALLY difficult. Also that final boss lmao

Overall, a good game, but a bit too hard to just pick up and play imo. AND THIS IS THE EASY ONE IN THE TRILOGY!

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2023


1 year ago

Agreed on the cheap placements, though I always found the third game to be the easiest personally.

1 year ago

That's the hardest one imo. Third one is easiest but it has no continues, so practically speaking second one is easiest i guess.