Took a break from the game and Monster Hunter in general shortly after beating the main story boss. Picked it back up about a month ago, and whew... Didn't even notice time flying.

About 400 hours later and after grabbing all achievements, Rise is definitely way up there in my personal Monster Hunter pantheon.

It's 1am and I'm sleepy as hell after nabbing the last achievement so I won't write a huge review. I'm just really happy with the game and super satisfied with all the time I spent on it.

It's not everyone's cup of tea, especially for those that started playing MH with World, but this is my kind of MH right here baby. Little to no bullshit in between hunts, just slicing and dicing crusty ol' lizards to make beeg sword, then slicing even bigger lizards.

It's not as immersive or environmentally dense as World, but I never gave a shit about that. Rise has style, a killer soundtrack, and one hell of an addicting gameplay loop. Doubly so if you decide to go for all achievements or have your own personal achievements like I do, such as using every weapon in the game 100 times or crafting every weapon/armor set.

Can't wait to see what the next entry in the series has in store. All I know is I'll be there day 1 for sure B^)

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2023
