Monsters reminiscent of but predating Dead Space, so what you would expect from a game based on The Thing. Most of the Things you fight are small spider-like little guys who screech and jump at you bc the devs played Half-Life, and then the second half of the game has you fight human soldiers who may or may not be trying to Cover Up the Aliens bc the devs played Half-Life.

Bosses kinda suck. I was able to skip the first one by just running past it, but then for the second and third you just circlestrafe while shooting at it and hope you don't get hit too much. For whatever reason the enemy health indicator that turns from green to red did not show up in my game (From looking at longplays on youtube, this should be present in all versions of the game. For reference, I used this tutorial to get the game working) so I had no idea whether I was doing damage to the bosses most of the time. The last boss is a turret section that is effectively impossible to lose lol

There's an "escape" sequence immediately following a boss where random explosions happen, some of which cause unavoidable damage. I had to reload to do the boss again so that I had enough health for that part.

The blood test from the movie is present as a game mechanic but it's pretty much useless aside from one part where, as far as I could tell, you must do it to progress.

Pretty good game. I had fun playing it

Reviewed on Nov 23, 2023
