A lot of excellent ideas swirling around the edges. Doesn't ever quite coalesce into something meaningful, sadly. I feel so sad for Suda because this is very clearly an amazing game that needed a lot more development time than they would've ever been alotted. I hope someday soon we get a good port with restored content because the pieces that were missing here probably do exist. However, the game that IS here is pretty cool! Visually distinctive and writing's sharp, the one stage that is here is a series highlight and a lot of the bosses were pretty great! So if you come to Suda stuff for the insanity and gameplay, you're probably going to like this way more than I did. However, if you're looking for something more grounded and thoughtful like No More Heroes 1 then you'll probably end up feeling a little sad for what may have been.

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2021
