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Time Played

13h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 17, 2022

Platforms Played


🧾 Summary:

This is my first experience with Luigi's Mansion series and I absolutely loved this game. I couldn't put it down and not once was I bored. Everything about this game is fun. I love the levels are bit size, creative, somewhat linear so you can't get lost, and i loved the puzzles and boss battles. This game has some of the most creative boss battles I have ever seen. Its more about figuring out the trick about the boss than it is repetition and skill. Nothing in this game is overly hard but its executed so well. It knows what it wants and goes for it. I feel this game is a sleeper hit and needs to be talked about more. The only issue i had with this game is somewhat clunky 2.5d twin stick aiming. I have issues with that in other 2.5d aiming games as well so this is no different. Play this game now!! Its one of the best feel good games i ever played.

📚 Full Review:

🎮 Platform: Nintendo Switch
⌚ Time to finish - 13.5h
🏆Trophy completion - Did not go out of my way to get any.

🤬Difficulty - Not at all very hard and I appreciate that. I never got lost, the puzzles were a little bit of a reach but not too much of a reach, the boss battles were so fun to figure out. Its a tiny stretch and when you get past something it feels so rewarding!

🌄Graphics – A+
Nintendo first party games are absolutely beautiful. This game is no exception. It invokes a sense of silly scared feeling than any other game i played. All the characters look so good and fluid.

🌦 Atmosphere/Music – A+
Amazing score!!! I sometimes would just stop the game to hear the score. The atmosphere is perfectly nailed.

📚 Main Story / Characters – A
I realllly liked Luigi here and can't just help but feel for his scaredy cat nature. I feel in this game you actually get to fully feel his personality. I won't spoil it but at a certain point of the game they juxtapose what Mario does with what Luigi does and its so funny! Despite all that, Luigi conquers and if not does more than mario in this game. Thats a great message for kids!! Main story is fun and exactly what I expected. :) The real gem is every character you come across has their own personality and quirks, including the bosses.

🤺 Combat – A
Boss battles amazing! Even kill regular trash ghosts was fun! Ghosts drag you and you have to pull the other way. It was always engaging and fun even after the 100th ghost. I think they should be commended for even making trash mob killing fun. They also mix up combat every so often to break the routine, that force you to appraoch battle in different ways. FOr example poltercat.

🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – B
I did a few of them but alot of it comes down to going through hidden pipes, sucking up items etc. Its ok. Wouldn't go out of my way for it. Its a fairly linear game so not much to explore.

🚗 Movement/Physics – B+

Over all its great. But the twin stick aiming in mention in intro can be clunky and has gotten me killed in boss battles because he didn't aim in the right direction in time. The worst offender was the final boss battle where the timing is very short.

📣 Voice acting – A
Minimal but great.

🥇 Best thing about the game - Everything. Its charming, its fun.

👎 Worst thing about the game - Twin stick control aiming.

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