⌚ Time to finish - 3 hours 45 minutes
🤬Difficulty - easy

🔊 Soundtrack - There isn't too much music. But the sounds they have creates an excellent atmosphere. One of the strengths of this game.
🌄Graphics – pleasant to look at.
🌦 Atmosphere – Excellent atmosphere. Tense at times, mysterious, made me feel all kinds of feelings like fear, disgust, startled etc. But nothing to give me a heart attack, or cheap scare tactics.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Light on story but what was there created a sense of mystery. I liked it.
🤺 Combat –None
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – None apart from collectibles etc. I didn't even know these existed till half way through the game when i randomly stumbled on them. Wish it was clearer so i could have collected more from the beginning.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Ok. There are some clunky controls. I don't understand why, there is a grab button for ledges, ladders. Should just auto grab those w/jump, while grab is for environmental objects like boxes. Some jumps felt imprecise. Expect a few deaths from clunky controls.
📣 Voice acting – Not much

📝 Review:

This was a good game. The puzzles weren't too hard but the atmosphere and story is what made me want to keep playing it. It did feel like it ended abruptly but that's fine its a short game. There is DLC and part 2 to go through which I will go through. I feel in these sort of games, Inside was far better.

💡Final Thoughts:

No reason not to play this game if you are into things like Limbo/Inside/Gris etc.

Definitely worth playing even if its not topping its genre. It provides enough here to make you feel involved, gripped, and generally not a chore to continue and finish.

I enjoyed it enough want to play the DLC and sequel.

Reviewed on May 28, 2022
