🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time played - 29h (platinum main game + 3 DLC fiished. Yea i did this at mad speed :) )
⭐ Score: 4.3/5
🏆Trophy completion - Plat the main game. Definitely a fun plat and would recommend though the crime missions got repetitive after a while and my brain shut off. Thought the plat was fun, I did not feel like i needed more of this content so I did not 100% the 3 DLCs.
📚 Full Review:
The gold standard to me for any super hero game is the Arkham Series. Though this game does not live up to that benchmark in every aspect there are some aspects it does and some where it falls short. One can definitely see the influence of that game here.

- I found the main story to be pretty interesting and gripping and one of its highlights. It felt like a real thought out story, which alot of games don't seem to do anymore. The DLC story was fine, nothing out of the ordinary.
- The combat became repetitive and the stealth missions lacked variety. It always ended up slam a guy from the air, web him, or lure him with webs. This was imo mediocore.
- Swinging through NY is generally very smooth and was always fun even after the 20th hour.
- The non Spiderman missions with alternate characters were fine, but not anything i was looking forward to.

I will take a break and hit up Miles Morales next.

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2022
