Perhaps your BG1 adventure had some interesting organic party moments like characters X and Y finally getting fed up of bickering with characters A and B and ruthlessly slaughtering them and you exacting vengeance upon them, alas your memories are but fanfiction and canon is king. A is alive and well, grieving over B who died in an unrelated way and X and Y are... alive as well to get fucked over royally. A time before Shepard's spacevaganza when continuity wasn't deemed as important, so a grievance we can forgive. It's all good after all because A can now slobber over our chosen cocks in this fantasy isekai adventure: pick your elf waifu edition. Awwwyeah finally a mature game for mature gMers (with segs and all), so what do the male romance options look like? Ha ha ha being a female dnd nerd at the time must've been fun.

Look I'm not mad, the quests are pretty damn fun. And luckily there's no urgency to complete them all, not like we're on a mission to save a family member like that casul tripe there fallout 4. So will get to that main quest eventually but you see, my wife Aerie needs a new pair of shoes (gave her boots of speed and damn the girl's l i t e r a l l y faster than Chiktikka Fastpaws).

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2022
