costume quest is a harmless, cute rpg that is perfect for kids and is very charming and nostalgiac for adults. I didn't play this game as a kid like most people on here seemed to, I got it for free through the epic games store and it got chosen on my wheel of Halloween games. I can't even imagine how much fun I would have had with this if I played it when it came out, but going into it as an adult, it was a tad too easy for me. i don't fault the game for this, it is a kid's game, but at the same time playing it as an adult feels very grindy. the whole game feels like fighting low level enemies to level up in other rpgs. and again, i understand why it's like that, and i'm ok with it, but it did impact how I felt towards it. the one thing I love about this game is how it nails what Halloween feels like when you're young. it made me smile multiple times and really miss my trick or treating days. a great game for fall time.

Reviewed on Sep 17, 2023
