This is the only other real gacha besides Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius that I actually can get into. Its surprisingly good! You do get microtransactions shoved in your face in the form of ads that appear after certain milestones are met (clearing a chapter of the story for instance), but these are the only thing I would consider intrusive to the gameplay, and they can be completely ignored.

What this game, in particular, does better than Brave Exvius is the auto battle system. Just about everything can be set to auto and you can sit back while your Nikke do the work. Does this then reduce the gameplay to simply "Big number do good"? Yes, but even if you were manually battling it would still boil down to this anyway.

I still refuse to spend any money on it, because I don't feel as though you need to. All the premium currency you earn as you play, in a fair and balanced matter.

Overall, well worth a try casually

Reviewed on May 25, 2024
