Not as bad as i thought it would be. The combats not too annoying and the driving sections are kinda fun if you can keep your momentum going. The character models are pretty fuckin ugly. The hostage system is cool but kind of pointless at the same time. Like i'm gonna have to shoot the cops i'm trying to get past at some point anyway, they'll just run back to their gun the moment i start shooting again. Speaking of that, they rarely drop their guns. It just slows the gameplay down to a crawl, but i appreciate the options at least.

This game also features a karma feature like Sopranos Road to Respect did, and i think this one is even more pointless. If you avoid killing, you're titled a Professional. If you kill and are reckless, you're a Psycho. I guess it's just for fun. Maybe they wanted you to try and play each character accurately to their movie counterparts, like acting completely professional as Mr. Pink, and being a fucking psycho as Mr. Blonde.

It's really cool that you get to play as every character(besides Joe). I feel like there's driving sections in this game just because they wanted you to have a chance to play as Mr. Brown, but they put so much effort into the driving gameplay that they decided to make up extra shit to get more use out of their efforts, and pad the game out a bit more. Mr. Blue has more screen time in this than the movie, and that last mission with him is pretty neat even though it's basically fanfiction.

That's what the game is: fanfiction. The game just serves as gap fillers for what you wonder was going on with the cast off-screen, and it does get tedious at times, but i still somewhat enjoyed it. At least there was a mall level. It's entertaining mindless shooting, but none of it really matters to the plot other than showing you things that are just said, rather than seen, in the film.

Props to the game for even existing, like what the fuck. There was even a 2nd game adaptation released in 2017. What is with peoples obsession with making a Reservoir Dogs video game? You just don't get shit like this and Antz Extreme Racing anymore. A true relic.

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2022
