Too much repetition, too obtuse at times, the story doesn't fully work for me, but also one of the most unique, interesting games in years.

I'd only recommend it to puzzle enjoyers, because so much of the game is puzzles and they get really difficult, but I feel like the story stuff could appeal to a whole huge chunk of people who wouldn't necessarily play puzzle games like this ordinarily. Unfortunately, I'm not fully part of that huge chunk of people who the story might appeal to, the tone is a little too anime and/or YA for my taste, though there are still cool things in it. And the way it's told/structured is pretty cool.

I am a puzzle game fan though, and this game has a lot of puzzles. Actually too many, I think, it's a little overlong. And if you want to figure out all the secrets, there is a LOT of repetition. But there is also a LOT of content behind those secrets, and the secrets are satisfying to figure out, so the repetition feels both tedious and worth it.

Overall, really neat!

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2023
