I've played Control, a bit of Max Payne, and now Alan Wake. As a game, Alan Wake is janky and a little repetitive but still suspenseful and thrilling, and short enough that its flaws aren't too much of an issue. As a story, it feels like it might fall apart if I think too hard about it, but that's okay because it is a fun, interesting premise. Sam Lake's writing style feels familiar and cliche, but also unique and singular all at once. Most of the characters feel a little thin, but Alan is really intriguing as a protagonist, he just feels like a guy, not particularly likable but not too awful either. The central mystery and backstory are interesting, and though there are lots of uncanny valley moments throughout the cinematic horror adventure, overall the presentation feels inventive. They were really trying to do things that most video games weren't doing, that most video games still don't do. Alan Wake has themes, has symbolism, has a morally murky protagonist who is neither fully anti hero or hero. It ends before too long also, which is nice, though I personally would try to see if I could lose 2-3 hours if I were "recutting" this game, I was starting to get just a tad bored by the end.

Overall I had a very good time with most of this one, looking forward to trying out the sequel eventually.

Reviewed on Nov 16, 2023
