Absolute cinema, I love this game so much. Every shot is beautiful, the mocap and performances feels so well done and so vibrant. So mafia without feeling exaggerated to the point it's laughable. It is the first game in so long I've felt has been made with so so much love and care. The best remaster/remake I've ever seen done ever. The details, the historical accuracy, the characters. The worst part about this game is that it's over so quickly (and that one racing mission). I wish we got to spend more time with Paulie and Sam, more time getting to know exactly who Tommy Angelo is and his own struggles. I wish the open world had more things to do especially little quests to help flesh out those characters and add some replay value. I am hellbent on proving the queerness that feels so present in this game. There's scenes and details that feel so just UGH they're gay your honor I promise. There's some things I didn't like, some parts feel tedious and yes the racing mission is actual hell but it makes up for it. If you're playing, try it on the hardest settings even if you have to turn it down for that racing part. It's worth it.
It's also the first game I got to play all the way through with my boyfriend which makes it very very special to both of us.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
