ok wall of text but only bc I need everybody to know why Nier Automata is so good to me

I wish I can just write how much I love this game. BUT I CAN’T. I sit here, type words, but can’t seem to put into words how much this damn game means to me. BUT IM GONNA TRY. Nier Automata is one of the few games that has truly touched me out of 100+ games that I’ve played. Perhaps it was because I played it during one of the toughest times of my life but it is undeniable how it has grasped onto my soul and found a permanent home within me.

But it’s important to acknowledge that, while I speak of this game highly, it is not without flaws. It requires multiple playthroughs for the “ideal” experience. And the pacing can be odd at times. Gameplay may be mundane if you prefer combat with variety (it’s mostly hack ‘n’ slash and bullet hell lol). Or depending on who you ask, it might even be pretentious.

This games explores many philosophical concepts, but it’s not the main aspect of the game. Instead, it is finely weaved. Sure, I could’ve read a book on Jean-Paul or Nietzsche but why should I do that when I have complex, 3D, big butt waifus who can do it for me? I kid but still, the point still stands on how the game doesn’t beat you over the head with boring text of philosophy. But instead, you see it in the story, the environments, the characters and how it motivates what they do in the story. It’s muuuuch more digestible, lol.

But even if you don’t care about philosophy, the story, by itself, is solid. I won’t spoil it too much but the more you play, the more things starts to unravel. And all of your questions starts getting answered. Then shit just hits the fan and suddenly you’re elbows deep and fully invested in 2B and 9S’s story. Yoko Taro loves developing his characters, make you care for them then tear them to shreds, and boom, you’re depressed as fuck. Worth it, though. This game is amazing at making you feel things, the pains of the characters, the joy of seeing the two protagonists bond, and more.

Plus. The MUSIC. If you don’t like the game, then 100% do it for the music. Keiichi Okabe and his team composed some of the best game soundtracks for Nier Autonata (and ofc other games as well). The music aged so well and also found a permanent place in my playlist lmao. Even my friend who barely touched the game has multiple songs in their playlist.

It’s strange because this game is so good and I want to replay it all the time. Every year. Every month. Every day. But I can’t put myself to do it because it will never replicate the feeling of experiencing the story and the twists the first time. But I will always look back at Nier Automata fondly. :’)

ty Yoko Taro, for making this game, even if you never make a game for main consoles ever again lol.

p.s. also square enix, repress the nier automata / nier replicant vinyls PLEASE. I WILL BUY THE SHIT OUT OF IT. THESE AFTERMARKET PRICES ARE BONKERS

Reviewed on Jan 20, 2024
