2 reviews liked by sekae

awesome detective themed outing from the main SMT series. it's unpolished but the great pacing and atmosphere already makes it worth the trip, not even mentioning the solid dungeon design (for the most part) and general fun to be had going through the game's quest. despite soul hackers being a straight upgrade, there's no other game in the franchise that feels quite like this one. definite recommendation for megaten fans; it's not that hard to play in japanese!

Rob Zacny from Waypoint compared it to a procedural detective show, with the main plot being the plot-heavy episodes, and the side stories being one off episodes. That seems super apt to me, it's phenomenally paced. Sometimes the Yakuza games feel like they're trying to be everything at once, but this one is focused down on the detective proceduralness of it all (plus vr board games). Probably the best thing from that team