Log Status






Time Played

8h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 30, 2021

Platforms Played


I finished a full campaign of this in one single day, but I'm not sure if it was because I was hooked, or simply because deep down I knew I'd have a hard time picking this up again.

The concept itself is nice, but I wonder if the "stories" DLC have some more meaning? I mean in the base game (the only one I played) yeah, you do realize the struggle that a modern war could cause but.. the characters are so flat? Like they all repeat the same lines when they're in the house, and their backstory are so flimsly given to you that you just.. don't connect with them? Idk at least that's what I felt. One or the other could die and I wouldn't care, except for the fact that some have more slots in their backpack.

The gameplay is also nothing extraordinary but what started to annoy me halfway through my playthrough was how boring and unforgettable the names of every place you can visit are, such as "Abandoned Home; Occupied Home; Double Home" (or something like that, I played it in Italian so translation may be slightly different).
I could NEVER remember what places I actually left unfinished in terms of gatherable materials and stuff (the game is very vague about what's left in a map). Oh, and did you forget if that map has a locker or something that needs a tool to be opened? welp, good luck pal, I guess you gotta write it down on PAPER next time because the game ain't gonna tell you for sure. Whatever, this is nitpicking but my brain was pretty scrambled and considering this is a survival game heavily focused on managing resources, I don't see how hard it would be to add a little "1 Locker to be opened" before you join any map?

Overall nice game, replayability is very limited by the monotonous gameplay and lack of proper character writing imo.