I have.. incredibly mixed feelings about this game.

It's a huge step up from AC2, but it's more like an expansion, isn't it? I like the changes in the combat to make it less tedious.. but that made it rather easy, no much challenge in any of the fights. I liked that Ezio feels a little less "heavy" when jumping around but.. at the same time, that broke down a couple of things that became more "hit and miss".

The "Brotherhood" part is outright silly - you save a couple of NPCs from the streets and they're like "oH! let Me FIGhT witH U!" and bam, you have NPCs you can call onto to get help in battle whomst you feel no connection with at all, because it's obviously an incomplete feature.

The story disappointed me a lot, I guess because I expected more from a title that was regarded so highly. I came to the realization however that most people probably speak so nicely about it because they're fond of the roaming around, since it has many nice additions from the rather empty AC2 in that regard. - and I can see why someone playing it back in 2010 would just spend endless hours doing relaxing side-content.

Sadly, for someone who plays it mainly to catch up with the story (and do occasional side content still) it won't be that different from AC2.. just slightly smoother, which is something I guess.

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2020
