Not gonna lie, this game was hilarious despite its obvious shortcomings.

First and foremost the whole PUA shtick is just super lame at best and calculated/misogynistic at worst. Even if you accept this game is made for awkward men to pick up women, advice like "angle a girl away from her friend so it makes her less likely to bail on you" comes off as very predatory.

That said some of the options are super funny, and the game is shockingly vulgar at times. It's fun trying out the cringe options and watching the PUA fail.

Also the acting is pretty decent throughout - bar a few dodgy performances most of it comes off as quite natural.

Technically it's kind of a mess, though - dialogue often cuts off early and I had like 4 crashes on a 3-hour playthrough.

This is a guilty pleasure for sure.

Reviewed on Nov 05, 2023
