in typical sequel fashion, jedi: survivor is moreish to a fault. by the end I had tuned down the difficulty and started to autopilot through the game because I wanted to see the end of the story, but the combat systems couldn't keep me compelled past the 30 hour mark. still the level design is mostly great, and I appreciate how "gamey" this all feels. in many ways, the hub world of koboh is a collectathon in disguise, and I enjoyed slowly unveiling its map and learning more about its interesting but underutilized denizens. overall a good part two from respawn, but survivor lacks some of the novelty of the first entry and fails to build a strong villain (in this house we love trilla) by splitting its attention between a handful of baddies. still, where else can you drop kick a space gecko while rocking a mullet and a light sword?

Reviewed on Feb 20, 2024
