I have a lot to say about this game. The graphics and cutscenes are gorgeous, the combat is somewhat fun at first but those are about the only redeeming qualities of this game. I appreciate the hard work and effort put into this game by the people who helped make it but at what point does the overwhelming inspiration this game takes from God of War become direct plagiarism? Some of the few things I clocked less than an hour into the game at the time were the dodging animations, how the enemies will appear fatigued and glow when there is a finisher ready to be performed, how Jesse kills enemies using the finishers, the jumping/climbing traversal using chains, the brush you have to set on fire using the scorcher (which is further along in the game), the running animation and the puzzles. When I play a new game, I'm not looking for a reskinned version of the God of War games, I'm looking for originality and substance and its own unique mechanisms, animations and story, this game is obviously not that. The second issue I have with this game are the bosses, instead of providing a real challenging experience with a boss, they throw an excess of different vampire variants and environmental threats like falling rocks at you whilst also trying to fight a boss, not only do they do that but they don't really provide a big enough arena to avoid at the very least some of these things. The greatest example of this fatal flaw that severely impaired my enjoyment playing this was the Parasiter, the area you have to fight this boss, plus Wasters, plus falling rocks is extremely small. Not only does the boss generate Wasters from a pod it can generate and regenerate at will as fast as you get a second to destroy it, I find the time in-between releasing the rocks is too short so you inevitably get hit by rocks which do too much damage combined with the relentless hydra-like parasites along the big parasite slamming down at you and spitting venom and the Wasters exploding next to you, it's all too overwhelming, whoever's idea that was needs to realize an overwhelming boss fight doesn't equal a good OR hard one which brings me to my next point. Most of the bosses were incredibly easy, there was no first, second or third phases like a lot of games like to do, in my opinion I think they knew their bosses were too easy, which is why they implement so many other enemies to fight you along with the boss. My third bone to pick would probably be the story, I honestly couldn't tell you a single thing about this games plot except Felicity was abused as a child and she hates humanity now because of it and wants to turn everyone into a vampire because she believes they're like a "gentler" lifeform than humans or something???? I remember seeing a gameplay preview of this game and was hyped, I love western themes and supernatural stuff and it looked really fun, unfortunately I was sorely mistaken, after a certain point of doing the same fights over and over and over again it not only gets predictable (which is normal for a lot of games), it gets to feeling like a chore and that's not something I personally want in a game. The characters also don't have a lot of personality or substance in my opinion, my favorite was probably Jesse (naturally because as the player you spend the most time with him) or Vergil. One thing I did really appreciate about this game as a whole were the cool variants of Sanguisuge, I really liked the designs and explanations for the purpose they hold in the "pyramid" of vampires. Overall, I wish I could've liked this game and I'm disappointed I didn't, this game held a lot of potential that was sadly thrown away by a lack or excess of something.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2024

1 Comment

5 months ago

Well said