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Personally, I went into this game not really looking to critique and more to play a fun JRPG and I did get that for the most part. The environments are beautiful and diverse, they can range from light and airy to dark and dreary. Beautiful grassy areas or lively cityscapes to seemingly never-ending rooms full of pipes with a dark blue hue over everything, visuals are consistently stunning and never disappoint. Something I really appreciate about this game besides the environmentalism theme is the fact that it doesn't take itself too seriously, there are a decent number of funny moments in the game that will have you rolling your eyes and smiling or cracking up like Cloud dancing in the Honeybee Inn or just in general Cloud's sarcasm towards other characters, Barrett lets off a good joke fairly often too and this isn't including Wedge being comedic relief for Avalanche. The combat can be repetitive, but I think with all the different weapons and weapon abilities you get throughout the game and characters you can switch between, that is typically not noticed by a lot of players unless you mostly main Cloud throughout the entire game like I did (Pro-tip, if you want a fun gaming experience, play mostly as Tifa and give her an attack build! Seriously, she is ridiculously strong and can easily keep up with cloud in terms of damage, if not surpass him.) I do think the levels are good enough to keep you entertained most of the time but lack surprise and creativity, especially when you're in the sewers after Don Corneo opens his bedroom hatch and sends you down there and when you have to go back down there again with Leslie, it's pretty much just one small arena to the next, which does get quite irritating and boring if you like to play for hours at a time like me. The enemies are fun to fight but some of them are the absolute worst and that's no exaggeration, the Venomantis trio you have to fight in the graveyard legitimately almost made me quit the game and the Hell House in Corneo's colosseum was nearly impossible and again, almost made me quit the game, the regenerative ability it has is easily the most fucking annoying part about the entire fight besides the "god house mode", by the way, who came up with the ability names? They're completely ridiculous and sound like a joke but they're pretty hilarious so I can't complain, I just never thought I'd have so much hate in my heart for a house that can go "god house mode" but I do. Moving on, I think where a lot of people draw their lines with this game is it being entirely too long, I know that's kind of a token for the Final Fantasy franchise, but this game does drone on a lot, there were multiple times in this game where I thought "Surely, this is the end" and was hit smack dab in the face with another 10+ hours of gameplay. I didn't complete the game because fuck chapter 17 so I could be wrong about this, but I feel like the game kind of loses sight of itself in the midst of everything going on, maybe at some point I stopped paying attention but I feel like I started playing and it was about taking down a greedy, bio-terroristic corrupt company that's stealing the life source of the planet and then I blinked and I was like 40+ hours deep in gameplay and it was suddenly about saving Aerith from Shinra because she's part of an ancient colony and Shinra wants to her to give them the "key" so to speak to finding her peoples land so they can steal the mako from it. Another thing I feel is kind of stupid about this game is the fact they randomly killed off two characters seemingly for shock value (Jessie and Biggs), I know this was kinda intended to be a tear-jerking moment but honestly who REALLY cared at all about them? The only people that cared about Jessie were her simps and Biggs had no personality besides being kind of angsty. In my opinion, the better character to kill off for a real reaction from the audience would've been Wedge, he's actually funny, very loyal to Avalanche, a non-cringey/thirsty admirer of Cloud and has a personality. Going into that chapter where Shinra knocks the plates down, I expected for someone like Barrett or Wedge to die and honestly was completely shocked when it was not one but two characters nobody gave a crap about. All in all, I'd say it's worth a playthrough if you're someone who likes JRPGs, wants to get into the FF games or has any interest in playing them for a certain reason. The game has its flaws, but it's not detrimental to the player experience if you can stick out the boring parts (which a lot of us can't) and I would say it's mostly enjoyable but remember to pace yourself seeing as how the game is so long it's easy to play for upwards of 10 hours at a time like I did and get burnt out.

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2024


5 months ago

10 Hours in a row!?

5 months ago

@TurtleSlayer i've got a problem i need to make my life motto ur bio LOL

5 months ago

I get it. Sometimes, I just feel like spending all of my free time on video games and TV shows.

I wish you the best.