Timeless and beautiful graphics & gameplay. My favorite part was chapter 12 "At Sea" I loved being able to drive the boat around and search for new areas to explore and find trinkets. The puzzles are hard but fun! This game is never not a recommendation. The environments are big and beautiful. El Dorado, once you find it anyway, doesn't disappoint. Most of the game impressed me and hardly disappoints all around. Combat can be frustrating and feel heavy sometimes but I played this a couple years since then and my gaming ability has gotten better, so don't take my word for that. Definitely justice for how they did Nathan in that Uncharted movie though, bro deserved better lol.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2024


2 months ago

I got this game on one of my birthdays. At the time I wasn't much into gaming. I was mostly playing some Zelda or Mario on Nintendo Switch. Fortunately, this game along with other masterpieces like God of War and GTAV revived my passion for video games.

My favorite part of Uncharted 4 is the climbing section. I don't know why but it always felt so great. If you haven’t play the sequel Uncharted Lost Legacy I would recommend it. It's the same quality but shorter.

That movie tho lol

2 months ago

@TurtleSlayer I have Lost Legacy and I've been meaning to play it, I just can never seem to get into it enough at first though. I think i'll give it a chance again here soon, it LOOKS amazing. I briefly watched Jacksepticeye play it and really liked what I seen of it, which wasn't much but it was enough. The climbing is definitely the best part, it's so fluid! It's a good balance of scary (when Nathan inevitably falls because.. Nathan) and freeing. The views you get when you're high up are nuts man!