I am a fan of the Trial series but this one is just the worst one of the series so far (haven't replayed Trials Rising, yet).

To get the only good thing out of the way, the gameplay is still great and feels crisp and responsive as ever and that is what I really like but the game is riddled with so many issues around its core gameplay.

For me the atmoshpere of the previous games was just better with its janky charme and every level having its own little theme. Here everything is just too clean and too similar and bland with its futuristic setting.

The UI is just absolutely horrible everything is so cluttered and takes ages to load, even with a PCIe SSD.

Playing offline is also a huge annoyance, when my Ubisoft Connect actually wouldn't... connect, the game would remind me EVERY single race that I was not connected to the internet and that my time would not be uploaded.

The addition of the FMX mechanic also completely fell flat for me as the controls are just super imprecise and half of the time you will not achieve the trick that you wanted to. For me this also distracts from the main aspect of the game, which is the time trials.

But the most egregious problem I have with this game is its content. If you own the base game, you will only own half of the actual game! And I'm not being hyperbolic here, the base game only provides you with half of the available championships. Everything else is DLC and can be bought afterwards for 30€ or in other words 150% of the cost of the base game. (Alternatively you can buy the 40€ version).

All in all Trials Fusion still has the responsive and crisp gameplay as its predecessors but everything around it just got worse. If I had to recommend a game, please just buy Trials Evolution - Gold Edition where you will get 2 games for the same price instead of half of a game here.

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2023
